A basic understanding of CSS with your webpage document

Welcome to this simple(ish) breakdown of CSS and how it applies to the webpage template you have made

Click here to see initial HTML of the page

Click here to see the raw CSS rules applied

**This is an example taken from a controlled assessment 2 years ago


This is how the page is set up in terms of the names

All parts are set to be 100% the width of the page


This is the banner setcion that goes over the top. Eventually this will contain an image


This is the navigation section, which are your main hyperlinks as a bar

They are actually just bullet points, but the CSS sets them as an inline block

the rules for the hyperlinks "a" are what actually happens to the text


This is the main sectionm where all the content goes

It is the simplest section so that it can be divided up easily if we want to

Here are a couple of more complex css features that are pretty cool

Click here to see these changes in the page

Gradient Backgrounds

This is the main sectionm where all the content goes

It is the simplest section so that it can be divided up easily if we want to

More complex navbar features

This changes the navbar to have semi transparent blocks that fade in and out when hovered

This is more complex